Happy 4th of July and a move and event update.

Happy 4th of July to all our Halcyon Gamers. We will be open regular hours this July 4th, 10 AM until 8 PM in case you have any gaming needs while engaging in 4th of July festivities. Of course it's not just fireworks and festivities that have us excited, we are also nearing the completion of the build-out of our new space.
We will have a soft opening in the new space on Wednesday, July 7th, 2021. Please pardon some of our mess as we will be continuing to shift things around and get decorations and signage up throughout the space. Please stop by and visit us in the new space anytime after July 7th and mark your calendars because we will have a formal Grand Opening celebration in the new space on July 31st, 2021 coinciding with our 5th Saturday Sale.
Now for an event update. When we reopened our play space we started with a limited number of events and scheduled them through July 2nd, 2021. As we begin moving into the new space events will be temporarily on pause after tonight's Friday Night Magic Modern Horizons 2 Draft until shortly after our soft opening in the new space on July 7th. Events will resume shortly thereafter with increased capacity and more events on the calendar.
One final note, they moved our sign to the new location today, but we are still open every day 10 AM to 8 PM in the current location.
Happy 4th of July and Happy Gaming!