10% off storewide to celebrate our 6th anniversary! Add to cart to see discount (exclusions apply)

Toys for Tots, Events, and Announcements

Help us fill our Toys for Tots bin FIVE times this year!  Most toys donated to Toys for Tots are for younger children.  However, Toys for Tots serves children of all ages.  We have the unique opportunity to fill the bin with games for the underserved older children in our community.  Will you help us meet this need?

Our revised event schedule is online now.  Click here for the weekly schedule. Or check out our Google Calendar here.

For Flesh and Blood, Skirmish Season 3 is here! December 4th is our Flesh and Blood Skirmsh Blitz event!  All participants receive an Invigorate - Rainbow Foil Alternate Art, Top 8 receive Cold Foil Tales of Aria Young Hero Cards, First Place and one random participant each receives a Razor Reflex playmat.  The event starts at 11:00 AM Sign-up here.

December 5th in place of our weekly Modern event will be our Magic the Gathering Store Championship.  The format is Modern, All participants will receive an Arbor Elf promo card.  The Top Eight will receive a Collected Company promo card.  First Place will receive a Wurmcoil Engine promo card.  Additionally store credit will be awarded based on total participants and final records. Sign Up Here.

December 11th at 11:00 AM Join us for a WizKids Paint and Take event.  No experience necessary! Choose from the Boneclaw, Death Tyrant, Dire Troll, or Red Slaad all-inclusive “Paint Night Kit!” These kits include a miniature, premium Vallejo paints, a set of brushes, water pot and blister pack that doubles as a pallet — everything you need to complete the painting experience.  Just $19.95 plus tax.  Sign up here.

December 11th at 3:00 PM join us for Learn to Play: Prisma Arena. Prisma Arena is a fast-paced game of over-the-top arena combat. Train alongside Mo'kon, cute creatures that embody individual emotions. Level up as you play to gain Prisma Powers that personalize your Hero’s combat style and removable stickers to customize your Hero's appearance. Your goal is to become a Guardian, ready to defend the slumbering Hope in a time of Despair.

Ages 8 and Up are welcome to come play. No Rule Reading Necessary!  $4.95 per person (fee waived with $10 minimum purchase, or fee can be applied as a $4.95 discount towards the purchase of Prisma Arena).  Sign-up here.

Then on December 31st, we will be hosting a Friday Night Magic New Years Eve Party!  More details will be released as we get closer to New Years Eve, but what better way to ring in the New Year than Magic the Gathering with your Friends at your Favorite Friendly Local Game Store!

Finally, some changes to our store hours for the Holidays:  We will be closed Thursday, November 25th for Thanksgiving; Saturday, December 25th for Christmas; and Monday, January 3rd for an Employee Appreciation Day!  We will also close early at 6:00 PM on Friday, December 24th for Christmas Eve.  There will be no Friday Night Magic that day, but join us on the 31st for our special New Year’s Eve Friday Night Magic.

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